Sunday, February 03, 2008

new stuff

1. Ava rolled over last night from her back to her belly!

2. Ellie woke up crying 3 times last night - she said she didn't want me to leave her (not just her bedroom, everywhere). Now I'm paranoid something is going to happen to me?!?

3. We took the girls to the park yesterday and it was SO nice! It was Ava's first time to swing in a big girl swing. I'll have pictures and videos on here soon.

4. Our life group has challenged each other to read the Bible daily - and there are rewards involved, just to encourage us to keep it up.

5. Ellie has finally started going to bed earlier...but that means she's getting up earlier, too. She's a night owl and it's been hard to break her from staying up late...because she would fuss and cry if we tried to put her to bed too early and I got to where I dreaded bedtime because I knew she would fight us and it was getting so old trying to be so strong and stick to our guns. This week has been much different, though. Come bed time, she's ready! It's so much nicer than having to fight with her about going to sleep. Now they are both asleep by at least 9:00'ish and up between 7:30 and 8:00 (which is way more normal for kids their age anyway).

6. Ava eats rice cereal twice a day now - and does it like a pro! She likes to eat!! :-)

7. Jeff's hair is long enough to donate, but he doesn't want to cut it yet. He's afraid he'll miss it!

1 comment:

the broomes said...

1. Yeah, Ava! You are getting so big! We want to meet you:(
2. I hate it when I have fears like that--I was reading today in Proverbs 3:24 "When you lie down, you will not be afraid: When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."
3. We LOVE swings too!
4. Jeff--your hair should not be longer than your wife's. It's a good rule to go by:)