Thursday, December 13, 2007

good news!

Ava is FINE. She does NOT have spina bifida, she just has an extra hole in her crack! :-)


It's a Mom Thing said...

Great news on both ends(HA). So good to find out and be at peace about it all. And I hope you can enjoy some yummy Christmas goodies now that you don't have to be SO careful!

It's a Mom Thing said...

PS- If you come down to Nashville to shop, give me a call. We'll be there Dec 30 - Jan 2.

iMollie said...

What wonderful news about the allergies and the spina bifida test! We've been thinking about yall!

Christy said...

YEAH! It's so good to hear! We can't waut to talk to y'all in person! See you soon, neighbor.

the broomes said...

Praise God!!!! We've been praying for ya' glad that tests came back with good results!

Sher said...

Nice comment about your baby girl! That made me laugh REALLY loud!