Thursday, December 13, 2007

Food Allergies

So, Ava went to the allergist this morning and we got some great news. She does not have any life threatening food allergies!!! Not a single one. She is lactose intolerant, though, but I don't have to be nearly as picky with my diet. I can't sit down and have a big glass of milk or a cup of yogurt, but I can eat bread with a little butter on it and things with milk in the ingredients. She goes back in September and they'll do a few tests again - especially with milk before she is introduced to cow's milk because she could still grow out of this. She does have a slight allergy to shellfish, but it is nothing life threatening. WOOHOO! Jeff is on the phone right now trying to find out about her spina bifida test, so I'll write more about that as soon as we know something. Thanks for praying!!!

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