Thursday, January 08, 2009

Good Grief, Charlie Brown

So, my week started by me getting strep. It knocked me on my rear!!! It was horrible! 103.4 temp for over 24 hours, sore throat...blah, blah, blah. I'm not the only one that has ever had strep, but I am so thankful it's not something I get often - actually, I don't think I've ever had it before. So, Monday I started an antibiotic, but as of this morning, still couldn't eat or drink anything because my throat was absolutely raw!!! Back to the dr. I go, this time without Jeff's amazing help (he's done it ALL this week), so I had both girls with me. I had to get a shot of antibiotic to try to kick the strep, plus I have a virus that has caused ulcers in my throat?!?!?!? When they brought out that shot, Ava started crying!! Poor girl - she's had so many shots lately that she's petrified! Ellie was nervous and kept saying she didn't want me to get a shot. I had to explain that it wouldn't hurt her!! Anyway, the nurse was great. I stood on one leg, held Ava in my arms on that side, propped my other leg up, Ellie held my shirt out of the way, the nurse unfastened my pants and pulled them down, gave me the shot, and helped me get back together. It was the weirdest, but most pleasant shot experience I think I've ever had. I was talking to Ava and Ellie, they were both there with me, and it took my mind off of what was going on. I almost immediately felt better - within like 2 hours?!?!? I get so frustrated because we try to do everything right - eat healthy, keep things clean, wash our hands often, exercise, I breastfed both girls...and we still continue to get sick. It could be so much worse, though! Hopefully, we are all well now and will stay that way for a long time!! I have some great pictures to post, but my computer won't read my card right now, so I'll have to reboot and try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

The G Family said...

Wow. That sounds traumatic. My worst antibiotic shot experience was when I was in college and the nurse was of the male gender (and cute). I didn't really want him to see my tush but the shot did help me feel better quicker. Anyway, hope you're feeling better.
By the way, the hat was a gift from one of Nathan's coworkers. There is no tag inside so I'm guessing it was homemade by someone. Sorry, I'm not much more help than that.