Thursday, December 31, 2009


We have been counting our blessings around here lately! God has been so good to us this year. 2009 brought so many special blessings to our family.

My brother, who was told he had MS, got a call from the Dr. one morning and they said his brain scans look FINE - no MS!

My Dad has had several issues medically this year and has just been through all kinds of junk, but seems to be doing better, got some great news, and is enjoying life! He is the smartest man I know and I don't know what we would do without him!!

My mom has had a hard time because of everything going on around her, but she is our ROCK! I hope that I am half the mother to my girls that she is to me!!!!!

My cousin, Landy (aka Merk Merk), was able to re-enter nursing school and starts in a week or so! She'll be busy, but she will make an amazing nurse when she is finished!!!

And probably the best news of 2009 is that my favorite aunt in the entire world (and one of my favorite people in the world) is now in REMISSION!!!!!!!!! Never thought I would say that, but God had another miracle up his sleeve and He's not done with her yet! (and neither are we!)

I am so thankful for such a wonderful family and all of the blessings God has given me. My husband is amazing - he does things that girls are often jealous of, just to help me out. And my girls are such wonderful kids! I love being with them, even when they are not on their best behavior. Live and learn, right?

My resolution for 2009 is very simple: to be better. Whatever I am doing right then and there, whether it be cleaning my house, teaching my girls, working, or just being a wife, daughter, grand daughter, sister, cousin, friend, or Mommy, I want to be better.

1 comment:

dmc2 said...

Your girls are beautiful, and these pictures were so fun to look at!! I enjoyed seeing your year in review!! Thanks for sharing!