Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sleep Study update

oops - I uploaded in backwards order - this was this morning after they took everything off and we were at the hospital to get x-trays of her adenoids - smiley as ever!
my sweet girl, wrapped up like a mummy
the lady worked around her ponytails, which worked out nicely because she could get to her skin easier, plus Ava could still twirl her hair in the night
I had to be super careful and didn't sleep much because Ava kept turning over in the night and all of those wires would wrap around her neck - she did so well, though!!!
Ava and I went to her sleep study last night to check her for sleep apnea. Although the dr. hasn't read the results yet, the unofficial word from the lady doing the testing is that she will for sure have her tonsils taken out because at the very least, her oxygen levels dropped way too low several times last night. Ava was such a trooper. She never cried, just didn't like some of it, but sat and let me read to her while the lady put all the wires and gauze on , the I told her which colors people liked on the wires, since there were probably 30 or more. She would grab a pink one and say Papa and a blue one and say Sissy, which was opposite, but she had fun listening to me tell her that Nonee liked yellow and Daddy liked gray.


the ruffhouse said...

oh my goodness, these photos make me so sad! I know there's technically nothing hurting her, but just imagining "what if" they were for something else. YAY! for answers though - and lots of ICE CREAM!

Sher said...

I think Mommy is a trooper for putting up with seeing her baby like that!

ellieandavasmommy said...

Honestly, the pictures look way worse than it was in person. I didn't look at sample pictures before because I knew it would freak me out, but being there seeing her put them on one at a time wasn't quite as bad. And Ava was an angel through the whole thing!!