I haven't been on here much this week, so I'll try to get caught up on posting new info about the girls. Ava can roll both ways now, she's reaching and grabbing at things like crazy, and she can even hold her own bottle when we give her one. She's going to be a jokester!! She's so funny and she already knows it! Ava is 5 months old now and loves to eat. At her 4 month check up, she was 16 lb. 4 oz (97th%) and 27 3/4 in (WAY off the top of the chart). I feel like Ava's mouth is always open - she's either smiling, talking, or eating! :-)
Ellie loves going to "school" (mother's morning out)...but hasn't wanted to go the last 3 times, so I'm working on figuring out why. Her dance recital is in June and we're trying to let her hair grow out because they are supposed to wear dog ears and all the other little girls have long straight hair...and Ellie's is all different lengths and so curly. It can go in dog ears and that's how she wears it most days because it stays out of her face better, but it's not a nice, neat ponytail, so I'm trying to let it grow as much as possible. Ellie has turned in to a terrific eater - she used to be picky, but we would still make her at least try things. It was always such a struggle at the dinner table, but she has picked up some great eating habits lately and it's been such a blessing! Much less stressful at the table! She's also drinking from a regular cup all the time now (except in the van). I went to a training and they said that sippy cups don't always allow the muscles in your mouth to develop correctly, which could cause speech issues. She could drink from a regular cup, but we would use sippy just so we didn't have to clean up spills. She has done great, though! Instead of saying, "it's a good thing we put our coats on", Ellie says, "good idea we put our coats on"! She loves to quote the commercial where the lady is getting her hair done and says, "quick question about my hair". Ellie walks around saying, "Uh...I'm on the phone!" and she has attitude when she says it. It's so funny!
I got my hair cut - it's a mom cut, but a fun one. It's just an angle, but I can do the back normal or spike it, like it is in the picture. I've tried several times lately to get this cut and finally got a good one Thursday night.
We went to a USI basketball game and of course, had to wear cheerleading outfits. :-) Ellie also got to go to Chuck E. Cheese with a friend from dance class.
I want to see the front of the cut, I love the back.
I can't believe how big the girls are getting! They are so cute! And I love your hair! I need a front view pic though!
Love the back - now turn around!
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