Monday, May 25, 2009


This is my cousin Landy's post from facebook about her mom, my aunt Tishie.

Well, I really don't even know where to begin. It's been a long, rough few weeks and will continue to be for awhile longer. I guess I just want to say thanks for all the support, cards, prayers, etc. and to ask you to please keep them coming.

About a month ago while she was still in Little Rock, Mama suddenly got more confused than usual and she was admitted to the hospital. My dad, Nannie, aunt, and cousins were all there and she didn't know or react to any of us. She eventually became completely nonresponsive to everything- voice, touch, even pain. A team of doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, and one neurologist even told me not to get my hopes up. So we prayed and waited and one night she just looked at me and said "I just don't understand." It was one of the greatest moments of my life. We talked and I explained some of what happened that week while she was out, and we had a great talk about miracles. She knew that's what it was, and so did the doctors and nurses. It was amazing.

We met with her oncologist after about another week, and he didn't have great news for us. He said that we had 3 options. 1)Go home and enjoy our time while nature took its course. 2)Go home on maintenance chemotherapy, but he was doubtful it would help her. 3)Come home for a couple of weeks then go back to have her second stem cell transplant. He said because her cancer is so aggressive, more than a month would be too long to be gone. Mama said she's not ready to give up, and she was gonna keep on fighting. She is so brave.

We have been home for a couple of weeks now, but she got really sick on Tuesday night. I took her to the ER and her temperature went up to 103.7, so they admitted her. She has some kind of infection but they're not sure where, so today they said she would be there for about 4-5 more days. She is doing better, but we are all nervous about what this means in terms of her treatment in Little Rock. She can't have anymore chemo until the infection is completely gone or the infection might kill her. But waiting means the cancer might be growing rapidly. We have no choice but to take one day at a time, but the dr's statement about a month being too long is in the back of all of our minds.

I know people probably get tired of me always talking about mama, but I don't know what else to do. I feel so helpless so the only way I know to help is by asking for prayer. I know that's what brought her out of her coma or whatever it was, and I know it's the only thing that will help her through the next few weeks. I don't know when we will be going back to Arkansas, but I do know it's going to be a difficult time. The first transplant was rough, and they say the second one is always harder. I'm trying to have a positive attitude about all of this and I know God has plenty more miracles in store, but the nursing side of me knows what can happen.

Mama and I have had lots of talks about life lately. She is not scared of death, because the worst thing that can happen is that she gets to be reunited with Lista. And I'm not scared of her dying, because I know there's a place saved for her in Heaven. BUT I'm not ready yet and she's still willing to fight. I know she can beat this, but not without prayer and not without truly believing that God can heal her. I'm asking you to pray hard and believe that she can beat this. Also pray for strength and comfort as she fights this.

I don't know if I used my words right, or even gave you a very good update. This was just on my heart, and I wanted to ask for help and I know there are a lot of people who care about her and want to help her. She is an amazing mother and role model, and I learn more from her each day. Thank you for your support; we wouldn't make it without it. I tagged a few people but not everyone who has asked about her cause I ran out. Must mean a lot of people love her!

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