Thursday, March 05, 2009

sleep apnea?

on our way to the ENT check-up
I found the girls like this, laughing hysterically!
can she get any closer without falling off??
Landy and Ellie :-)
Landy came to visit Sunday and went to church with us,
so I had to get some good shots of everyone dressed up!!

So, we found out yesterday that our girls' tubes look great and Ellie took her failed hearing test (after her left ear ruptured twice) and passed with flying colors. However, we talked to the doctor about Ava's sleep cycle and some concerns we were having. I had discussed with our previous pediatrician the fact that she stops breathing sometimes and was assured that it was not sleep apnea. I was not convinced. For several reasons similar to this one, we switched doctors, I had a conversation with Ellie's old Occupational Therapist, and decided to ask the ENT about sleep apnea. Sounds like our sweet girl has a classic case, so Ava and I are headed to do a sleep study. Not sure when yet, but I'll let you know. More than likely, she'll get her tonsils taken out and that will be the end of it. Seriously?? I wish we had known that in December when we had her put under for tubes in her ears?!? Oh, well. If any of you have any insight on sleep apnea, I'd love to hear it. The only comments I've heard so far are, "I didn't know someone so young could have sleep apnea" and "it's only sleep apnea if she doesn't breathe for at least 20 seconds", which is not true. That is way too long to stop breathing, especially consistently! I'll keep you posted...


Kimberly Ann said...

One of the physicians that I work with is a pediatric sleep specialist and professor at our Children's Hospital - I have listened to several of his talks on sleep cycles and apnea in kids, birth - age 18. He has a great sleep chart, etc. I will find the PowerPoint and other docs and send to you to read if you're looking for education on the topic.

Here is also some good info from our hospital's website...

Sleep Log/Chart:

ellieandavasmommy said...

Thank you so much!! I have printed the articles and the sleep log and am waiting to hear from the sleep clinic to schedule a night to go. I'd love the other info. you have. Thanks!!

Sher said...

I don't hav eany insight, but my dad has it and sleeps with that little machine every night. His health and quality of life has AMAZINGLY improved since he went on the machine. And so has my mom's because she doesn't wake up every time he stops breathing now.