Sunday, November 23, 2008


So, I was tagged by my friend Sandy to list 7 of the most random things I can think of to share with you. Of course, I'm supposed to tag other people, but I'll just encourage you that if you're reading this right now, it would be fun for you to do the same on your blog. :-) So, here are 7 random things about me that you may or may not know.

1. I still sleep with my baby blanket. Until after I was married, I slept with the exact same one. It was the best - way better than the replacements I have now. When my mom turned 50, I put it in a shadow box for her because I was afraid that if I kept washing it, it would eventually turn to dust. However, my Nannie had a replacement that I used at her house and Jeff's grandma had one that she gave to me too, so I now have 2 (and Ellie likes to cuddle with one of them).

2. I've always heard that creative people are not organized and organized people are not creative. I must be really creative!!

3. I enjoyed most all of both of my pregnancies. I didn't have trouble sleeping, didn't have morning sickness, didn't gain too much weight...things were just good and I loved being pregnant - and even labor and delivery, although there were a couple of rough hours with Ava, but all in all, I have no bad stories to tell. (all but, stay away from "staydol")

4. I was a cheerleader from 3rd grade until I graduated high school AND I tap danced from the time I was 2 until just a few years ago (although I switched to clogging in high school, but same difference). If I could find an adult tap class or clogging class around here, I'd go in a heartbeat!

5. I have always picked out names for my kids before I was even pregnant and they were both girl names. I've always heard that which ever name is easier to pick out (boy or girl), that's what you'll have. We're not ready for another one yet, but one of these days, I already have another girl name picked out, so we'll see if we can keep that trend going.

6. I love music. I have music playing all the time. I'm not terribly picky about what kind of music, either. When I grow up, I'd love to be a musician! :-) (obviously that is not what God has called me to do and I am terribly happy with what I do for a living right now, but if I were good enough and God wanted me to, I would love to sing and dance and play the piano all day!)

7. I'm addicted to the computer. Probably not a shock. I don't know much about computers, but I love to check blogs, e-mail, facebook...

8. and I'll throw in another one for fun. I absolutely love spending time with friends and family. I would rather be with people than to be alone 99.9% of the time.


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