Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ava is 1!

Our whole gang - including our new addition, Lucy
She loves her car - and I love that face!
SO sweet!
pretty ballerina

Our sweet Ava Claire turns 1 tomorrow! I never dreamed I would be blessed with such wonderful little girls! Ellie continues to amaze me with how obedient and willing to learn she is. And both girls are so loving. But, both girls are so different! Ellie walked at 13 months, Ava walked right before she turned 9 months. Ellie still doesn't like to climb, Ava climbs on top of the table and stands up and claps for herself. Ava is so funny - she has such a silly personality and is a jokester! Ellie will pout about something for what seems like hours, Ava keeps her emotions out for everyone to see. That calls for more tantrums, but she throws her fit and she's done and can move on. Ellie has always been real timid around animals, but is really growing to like them more, Ava has always loved animals and has never been scared of them. Ellie likes certain foods and most are pretty healthy, but doesn't eat much at a time, Ava is such a good little eater - she'll eat anything and absolutely loves fruit! Ava talks all the time and picks up on sign language really quickly. She can sign more, please, all done, and thank you. She says several words, too. Mama, Dada, Poppa, Nana (which could mean Nana, Nonee, night night, Hannah), nuh (which means up), diddy (which is sissy and/or kitty), dog, and bird. She knows how to make a few animal sounds, like panting like a dog, roar for a bear or a lion, and blows a raspberry with her tongue for a horse. She can run now, but she doesn't know how to stop herself, so she just has to run in to the softest piece of furniture she can find! :-) I can't imagine my life without my family. Jeff and I have been truly blessed with such wonderful girls who we love more and more every day. Ellie is so looking forward to her birthday, which is going to be Hannah Montanna themed, but we also have our family (Jeff, me, and the girls) trip to Florida between now and then...and Halloween...and a trip to Indy...and a trip to Atlanta...we're busy, but it's fun! So, Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

1 comment:

Christy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AVA! I knew your girls were beautiful- but WOW they just keep getting prettier and prettier. Thanks for sharing. I was happy to hear about your not 1 but TWO trips to Disney- what a blessing. I hear that it truly is one of the happiest places on earth. According to the pictures, your home looks like one of the happiest places on earth, too! We hope to see you soon. We'll probably head to your neighborhood during Halloween/trick-or-treat to see y'all.