VBS Carnival Hayride

Ava LOVES her baby. She carries one everywhere she goes - and always with her left hand. She eats with her left hand, too!

Oops - this picture is sideways, but it's okay. Just another picture at the VBS carnival. One funny story from that night: Ellie was doing an inflatable obstacle course and I was trying to watch for her to take a picture, plus holding Ava. Ava wanted down, so I put her down and just held her hand...well, she found a cord and picked it up. It was so loose that it came unplugged before I could even get it out of her hand. An older man who was "helping" with the carnival snatched it from her and in a very ugly tone of voice, got in her face and said, "You just cost a lot of kids their happiness!" I was hot! First of all, do you really think she did that on purpose?? Secondly, as a representative of that church, he didn't approach the situation very Christian-like. And lastly, it did absolutely nothing. It would have taken a long time for the air to come out of one of those things enough for anyone to notice.

Ellie looks like my clone, especially in this picture...does Ava look like Jeff??

Ellie enjoying a snow cone at the carnival. It was hot, but it was a fun night!
I see you in Ellie but I really see Jeff! Amazing how those genes work...and kind of annoying how everyone will disagree with you on who looks like who! HA!
Wow. Getting in a ten month old's face??? Somebody should've punched that carnival dude.
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