Friday, February 20, 2009

Ice, Ice, Baby!

I could post hundreds of pictures from the ice storm, but here is a link to some of my favorites. We lost power for a few days, so my dad came and got the girls and me, since they have a generator, gas heat, and a gas stove. We ended up getting to spend some time with my cousin's kids, who we don't see very often, and with my brother's kids. My nieces actually came back to our house after we got power back and spend the weekend, which they don't get to do very often, either. We actually had a good time and were safe, so it wasn't bad at all. My parents just got power back last week, though, so they had a harder time than us. The ice was pretty when the sun hit it, but I'm over it and done with ice for a LONG time!!

Here's the link:

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