Friday, July 13, 2007

New Pictures of Our House

We still have nothing on the walls, lots of unpacking to do, and we need to finish Ellie and Ava's bathroom, Ava's room, and the office, but here are some pictures of our house with our own furniture. We love it!! Our couch just came today and Jeff has been gone all week, so he's not even seen it yet. The next 2 are Ellie's bedroom (thanks to Landy for letting us use her bed and bedding that she used in college - it works perfect for a ladybug room) (I still need to work on decorating Ellie's shelf, too), then our bedroom, out back (thanks to my parents and my in-laws for an early birthday present - money for the patio furniture), 2 of the kitchen, and the dining room (we found our table at a yard sale).


Sher said...

The house looks fantastic! I can't wait to come see you!

The G Family said...

Hey guys. I love the house. Looks like there are a lot of fun things to do! Hope you're enjoying your summer. Come visit Texas!