Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ellie's reaction

My friend was asking about Ellie's reaction to the baby and what she thinks about the whole situation, so I thought I would post some of the cute things she has said.

~"I want Ava Claire come out right now, Mommy!"

~"It's not Elmo anymore, it's Ava Claire." (she said if it was a boy, his name was going to be Elmo)

~"I want you have baby too, Daddy!"

~We were shopping and we saw a tiny baby girl. I explained that Ava would look like that when she gets here. Ellie asked where here Mommy was and I pointed and said her Mommy was pushing the cart. She said, "No, where's Ava Claire's Mommy?" I explained that I was her Mommy and that she was going to share me with Ava. Later, she was retelling the story to some college students and she was very clear in telling them that I was Ava's Mommy, too!

~Ellie loves to hug my belly and she's starting to talk to the baby.

Needless to say, she's just about as excited as we are! I don't think she always understands things, but she's learning how to ask good questions about what she doesn't know or understand and she's figuring things out. She loves to be around other kids and is such a good helper with the little girl I babysit right now, so I think she'll be an amazing big sister!

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